We meet for worship as an expression of our love for God.

We love because He first loved us“.

All our services are open to the public, and you are most welcome to join us.
We use projected (large print) words and pictures to enhance our worship. A sound system with hearing loop is installed.
Refreshments are served after the morning and evening services.

If you are unable to attend for any reason, we can help… by providing a recording, so you don’t need to miss out. Please ask us…


10.30am – the Main Service with Junior Church. A crèche facility is available for under 5’s. Usually finishes at approximately 11.45am, though Communion Services can take a bit longer.  Refreshments afterwards include a light lunch.
7.00pm – Open contemporary-style Celebration, with emphasis upon testimony, quiet space and prayer-ministry (including prayers for healing)  The service lasts between an hour and 90 minutes.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated every month (on second Sunday mornings and fourth Sunday evenings). We welcome all who love the Lord Jesus, irrespective of Christian background, and all who seek Him to His Table.


Messy Church Logo Copyright Bible Reading Fellowship© 2012. See www.messychurch.org.uk
Messy Church is sometimes available, between 5.00 and 7.00pm, as a fourth event for the weekend. All children MUST be accompanied. Check here for Messy Church dates and details.



Prayer is a day by day and moment by moment discipline for all followers of Jesus. We know from experience that prayer changes things, we also know that God hears our prayers and often answers them in ways we would not expect.  Anywhere, at any time, we know that the Lord is only a prayer away…

Church Prayer Meeting on the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm for an hour prayer.

Prayer Fellowship meets every Tuesday at 11.00 am.
There are plenty of other regular midweek activities and groups.

Regular times of prayer are also held at our neighbouring churches…
Morning Prayer is at 8.30am Monday to Friday (9.00am on Thursdays), and Evening Prayer is at 5.30pm Monday to Friday
St Mary’s & St Margaret’s: Morning Prayer is at 9.30am on Saturdays
…and at Gage Road Chapel
Sunday mornings at 10.00am each week; and at 7.00pm on each fifth Sunday

