A range of midweek activities are offered here at Wroxham Road, including:

CAMEO – Meets on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesday afternoons of the month, from 2.30pm, with guest speakers and a supportive fellowship.  

Messy Church – occasional Saturdays, from 5.00pm. All sorts of activities for all ages, with a meal as well. All children MUST be accompanied by their parent/guardian. 

Mens’ Breakfast – meets on the last Saturday of the month (except August & December) at 9.00am.  For catering it is helpful to let us know if you are coming, or if you have any questions please contact info@sprowstonmethidist.org.uk

Veg Bank – We provide bags of vegetables, free of charge to those in need. All are welcome.
Open on Friday Morning; 10.30am to 12.00pm.

Wellbeing Cafe – Open on Tuesdays at 09:30am to 12.30pm and again on Friday at 1.00pm to 4.00pm.  All are welcome.

There are also a number of planned “Specials“…
Various special events are being planned through the year. See our events page.


A number of other organisations and groups meet on our premises, including:
Rainbows and Brownies(Mondays)
Childminders (Wednesdays)

A number of Housegroups meet midweek on a weekly or fortnightly basis, for Bible study and prayer in the context of Christian Fellowship, in various members’ homes. Around 80 of our members are linked together in this way. There may be a group near you…

